Deep Learning

Computer Vision

Dog Breed Identification

Project can be found here

  • Identifying the different breeds of the Dogs using Convnets.
  • The data of the total 120 breeds of the data is subset of the ImageNet and this data is taken from the Kaggle Competitions
  • The Final model is the ensemle of different Convnets some of them are built Sequentional networks and other models are pretrained keras models using ImageNet.

  • Find the source code here.

    Iceberg Classification

    Project can be found here

  • Drifting icebergs present threats to navigation and activities in areas such as offshore of the East Coast of Canada.
  • I have challenged to build an algorithm that automatically identifies if a remotely sensed target is a ship or iceberg. Improvements made will help drive the costs down for maintaining safe working conditions..

  • Find the source code here.

    Dogs vs cats

    Project can be found here

  • Dogs vs Cats is a image localization and Classifications Challenge hosted y Kaggle.
  • Using ConvNets finding if there exists a cat, dog or both in an Image
  • Find the source code here.

    Natural Language Processing

    Sentence Classification

    Project can be found here

  • Sentence Classification Data Set contains sentences from the abstract and introduction of 30 articles annotated with a modified Argumentative Zones annotation scheme.
  • These articles come from biology, machine learning and psychology. It is multi class Classification problem. The labels are mainly of five types.

  • Find the source code here.

    Sales Forecasting

    Stock Price Prediction

    Project can be found here

  • Forecasting of the future stock price direction with respect to the current news and other factors.
  • I did this project as part of my Mini Project Course in academic curriculum in by Bachelor Program

  • Find the source code here.